When you have a stack of articles or a brief to complete it can be overwhelming. Maybe you have a book that you constantly think about but never seem to get around to writing. Instead of thinking about all the writing you must do, or have not gotten done, think about just one small part.
For example, if you are working on a legal brief, focus on the first point you want to make. If you are working on a book, focus solely on the first chapter. If you feel that’s too ambitious for you and are still over whelmed shrink it even further think about he first page or the first paragraph.
Don’t forget to congratulate yourself once you have accomplished this goal. As writers we need to be kind to ourselves. Patience and forgiveness are a must. And treat yourself to little praises or rewards. It helps to keep you motivated.
Next plan your next weeks of writing by setting aside the same amount of time to write each day. 15min is the normally the maximum if you find you get distracted easily or have been blocked for a long time. Wait until you have accomplished a few good sessions before extending your writing period.
Writers often think too big. They think about everything that needs to get done and it overwhelms them, which in turn keeps them from writing. By narrowing your topics and shrinking your writing session to doable time frames you approach your work with more enthusiasm and calmness.
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