Friday, April 20, 2007

Are you a blocked writer?

Think about when you have to write, it can be any form you choose, a term paper, an article, a short story, a report or an ebook. Make note of your thoughts, emotions and your physical response. Do you feel a sense of dread and anxiety? Do you quickly think of something else to do? Do think of any excuse (valid or not) to step away from your work.

If writing makes you tense, if you find yourself avoiding it ask yourself why? Ask yourself why you put off writing until the piece is due the next day.
How do you react when the topic of writing comes up? Do you engage, or do you try to change the subject?

What images arise when you think of sitting down to write?

Do you usually write to deadline? If so try writing in advanced. Notice how you feel starting your project ahead of time. What thoughts run through your head?

Here’s a resource to help blocked writers.

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