Commercial e-publishers- one solution is to be published by a commercial e-publisher
Third party services- These are varied in nature from commercial e-publishers to pay-per-view to “display” services. Be wary of any third party that charges up front fees.
- Does the site attract a lot of traffic?
- Read the contract carefully. What rights are you giving away?
- Can you sell your price elsewhere?
- Can you remove it from the service anytime?
- Also be aware that some editors may consider your work already published if it’s posted online.
Next week I detail the five types of publication available to authors
Dear Adelaide---
Thank you very much for your gracious and complimentary review of my eBook, "Easy Writing."
I particularly appreciated your practical and sensitive choice of quotes from the book--quotes which, I believe, can help anyone wanting to improve her writing.
If I may, I'd like to select a passage from your review and include it on my website as a testimonial. May I do that?
Thank you again for your very kind words.
George Kirazian
San Diego, CA
George, I am honored that you paid my little blog a visit.
Of course you may use a passage for your site.
Sorry for the late reply I have both sick and busy.
But thank you for your approval of my review. Your book is great, and I think it can help many people.
Dear Adelaide---
I, too, have to apologize for the (unbelieveably) late reply. Even though I thought you might have replied, I searched and found nothing, for months.
That is, until this afternoon---1:15 pm Pacific, June 23, 2008....
Thanks for granting me permission. Let's keep in touch....
P.S. Do you know Beethoven's lovely song "Adelaide"?
I haven't heard the song by Beethoven but thank you for bringing to my attention. I kind of have a name obsession and enjoy most things associated with my name. I know it's silly.
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