Saturday, March 24, 2007

Are you "writing" or "writing well"?

Writing well is crucial to the success of any business. Online however, it’s even more critical because it is the dominate form of communication. You have to be able sales letters, ads, blogs and articles that are not only interesting but error free.

The internet produces many creative people. Those who were shy or not forward in their lives are finding new innovative ways to express themselves. But it is not enough to have a good idea; you have to be able to communicate in an intelligent manner. People judge others by the way they present their ideas. If you website and articles have mistakes you lose business credibility and customers. If you don’t care enough about your business to get your work proofread than why should anyone else care about your business? You must remember that your work will not be viewed by a hand full of select people who “get you”; you are exposing yourself to, potentially, thousands of people. Many people treat their online business as a race and although it is important to work efficiently, what good is it if your writing is unclear. Certainly you have gained attention but you have lost the respect of your reader.

Check out the following resource if you’re writing could use some help

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