Thursday, March 29, 2007

What would you do if you had your own best selling e-book?

  • Would you buy a new car?
  • Would you go on vacation?
  • Would you buy something for a loved one?
  • Would you feel great about all the bragging rights thatcome from having a best-selling e-book?

Now here’s another question, why are you just daydreaming about it?

It surprises me how many people “think about” writing and publishing an e-book but never actually do it. If you’re waiting around for their “right” moment you are wasting your time. The right moment is the moment you decide to actualize your dream instead of just visualizing it.

Perhaps you are overwhelmed or confused about what it would take for you to create an e-book. If that's the case I recommend picking up How to write and publish your own e-book…in as little as 7 days by Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale. Their book is extremely easy to follow and it follows through on its promise, correctly using their guide will give you your own e-book in seven days.

Having your own e-book lets you create a passive income- that means you get paid over and over again for something that you did just once. You can write about anything so stop fantasizing about your best selling e-book and start writing it.

How to write and publish your own e-book…in as little as 7 days

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Are you "writing" or "writing well"?

Writing well is crucial to the success of any business. Online however, it’s even more critical because it is the dominate form of communication. You have to be able sales letters, ads, blogs and articles that are not only interesting but error free.

The internet produces many creative people. Those who were shy or not forward in their lives are finding new innovative ways to express themselves. But it is not enough to have a good idea; you have to be able to communicate in an intelligent manner. People judge others by the way they present their ideas. If you website and articles have mistakes you lose business credibility and customers. If you don’t care enough about your business to get your work proofread than why should anyone else care about your business? You must remember that your work will not be viewed by a hand full of select people who “get you”; you are exposing yourself to, potentially, thousands of people. Many people treat their online business as a race and although it is important to work efficiently, what good is it if your writing is unclear. Certainly you have gained attention but you have lost the respect of your reader.

Check out the following resource if you’re writing could use some help

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Business writing tips

A number of writers focus a lot on their articles, books, poems and other written documents but never bother to learn how to communicate in the business world. It is the easiest way to chuck money out the window.

Writing is a business. If you are going to use your words to build a career or use it as a form of marketing then you should know some basic business writing tips

Use short sentences. You want to be as concise as possible

Use an Active voice. Active voice is more direct which is a must for business writing

Use short paragraphs. One idea for each paragraph

When writing a business letter, consider a friendly opening and then a statement of the main point in the first paragraph. The next paragraph should begin justifying the importance of the main point. In the next few paragraphs, continue justification with background information and supporting details. The closing paragraph should restate the purpose of the letter and, in some cases, request some type of action.

Avoid sounding cliché. It doesn’t make you sound professional.

Use plenty of anecdotes and quotations. Don't be afraid to use them.

Parallelism Creates Power. Organize thoughts in parallel and use parallel construction to state them: "Our company locates oil deposits, refines petroleum products, and sells gasoline."

Do not use mixed metaphors writing for business, they just confuse the reader

Eliminate the use adjectives and adverbs. These types of words do not make for a convincing business document

Show, don't tell. Follow a generalization with an example. When explaining a complex process, use everyday analogies.

Determine the appropriate tone for your message. Ask yourself:
  • Why am I writing this document?
  • Who am I writing to and what do I want them to understand?
  • What kind of tone should I use?

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when considering what kind of tone to use in your letters and how to present information in that tone:

  • Be confident.
  • Be courteous and sincere.
  • Use appropriate emphasis and subordination.
  • Use non-discriminatory language.
  • Stress the benefits for the reader.
  • Write at an appropriate level of difficulty.

To further your business writing skills checkout “Easy Writing: A Practical Guide for Business Professionals" By George Kirazian at


Monday, March 12, 2007

The Written Word

Writing articles requires a special talent. These types of documents can be related to any topic. This particular skill involves research proficiency along with a keen sense of language. The key to writing articles is a strong knowledge of different ideas and well thought out formats. The piece needs to flow well. A design is essential for every concept to emerge through the document. This method takes an exceptional ability to create a piece of writing to inform and enlighten the reader. The purpose of these guides are to teach an individual new views and different outlooks on various subjects. A person can review this type of material and learn how to use the information for their personal needs.

Article writing has various steps to complete a finished project. The first stage is to research the topic thoroughly. This stride is the most important aspect of article writing. The information inside a piece needs to be accurate, informative and authentic. After the research is obtained, then it is time to compose an opening paragraph. This part is ideal to let the reader understand what the document will inform them of. Then accomplish the body. Article writing needs to flow and make sense. After that piece of the project is done, it will be time for the closing paragraph. This phase of article writing will summarize the paper.

The written word is a powerful tool. Information can judge, explain and inform an individual. This type of document is extremely strong in their speech and presentation. The written word needs to find an audience to relate to as well as educate. When composing a piece of this nature the correct words need to be used to explain the point the writer is expressing to the reader. This is the most important goal of an article. The written word is the key to understanding and a voice.

Dal Hayer writes featured articles for
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Article Source: Article Hub

Monday, March 05, 2007

confidence boost for writers

There are 3 things you need to succeed in any aspect of life.
Technique/know how

If you come here often you’ll see these words a lot because they are the key to success. Those 3 things, that’s it, that’s all you need. If you are here you either have a passion for writing or passion to learn and succeed. You are going to learn technique. Now all you need is confidence.

Confidence is probably the most important of the three. If you can’t believe in yourself how can anyone else? First let me start by saying that by learning how to write well you are saving yourself a lot of money. You will never have to pay for a ghost writer, or buy any articles because you’ll know how to do it yourself. There is a lot of money to be made out there if you are a writer. Ghost writer, ad writer, journalist this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. Every job out there starts with writing. Wouldn’t you love to be the one who was at the root of it all? I thought so…so what’s holding you back?

Having the confidence to take the plunge is the only way to get what you want in life. I’m a risk taker but that doesn’t mean that I don’t get scared, or question my capability. But you can not let it stop you. You are going to learn more tips, I promise, but I want to focus on boosting your confidence for a bit. Without confidence nothing that you learn here or anywhere else will matter, because you will be too afraid to apply them.

Let me leave you with a something cheesy to think about: The opposite of success isn’t failure, it’s quitting.

Stop putting yourself down!
One of the great things about writing is that nobody is born a great writer. It is a process. You will write, rewrite and rewrite again. Why put so much pressure on your self? Tell yourself this… “I don’t have to get it right the first time” say to yourself over and over again. As writers we work with the most treacherous building blocks and it takes time to make sure that everything is just right.Writing is nerve racking, and emotionally trying because you are a lone solider and you will not always get the praise you deserve. Your reader doesn’t know the sweat and tears that went into preparing your sentences, characters, and plot. That is why as a writer it’s ok to “toot your own horn”, praise yourself! No one else could of thought of those ingenious sentences. You are doing what many people fear; you are exposing yourself and for that you deserve credit and even if your words only touch one person, negatively or positively, you have done what you set out to do.

Stop asking “why me”? Start asking “what next”?
Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t get you anywhere. Instead of using all that energy to keep your self down why not use it to bring yourself up. There’s no excuse for not doing all you can to make things better for yourself. Accomplished people don’t spend time on counting all the things that are wrong with their lives. Instead, they take measures to improve them. You will have tragic moments in your life, you’ll make mistakes, and it’s ok to feel bad but at some point you are going to have to get over it. When you take steps to achieve something you feel better about yourself. You may not feel like you’re a great writer right now but you are willing to learn everything and try everything to make yourself better. And you will feel better because instead of whining about it you are doing something about. Action is a great confidence booster. You can either lie there getting screwed over by life or you can get on top of things.

The key thing to remember is to do all you can for YOU.

One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is to measure our success against someone else’s. This has been drilled into you since you were young. You must be better than that other person. Life is so competitive. Low self esteem often stems from not feeling like you are meeting the status quo.

Whenever you start to feel this just keep in mind that the main person you are competing against is your self. I go through this as well, and you can’t run away from competition, it’s everywhere. College applications, job applications, marketing, competition is everywhere. But everyone doesn’t have your life. They don’t know what you have been through or how much you’ve achieved. The only cause you should be concerned in is your own. Life is not a race and you will get where you need to be when you are ready. Don’t set your standards to someone else’s there isn’t a perfect blueprint for life that we can all follow. We can only do what works for us. Do not let the fear of competing stop you from doing what you want. Learn from the best take what works ignore what doesn’t and always try to outdo your self.

I will be plugging in some more confident writing tips soon but lets move on to what why you are really here, to learn to write well because after all practice makes perfect.

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