Monday, December 11, 2006

What's with all the article hype?

You will probably come across a multitude of articles that will tell you that writing articles is one of the best ways to promote your business and get exposure and you know what…they’re right!

The internet is responsible for providing one of human’s greatest addictions…information.

When you were in school you had to write book reports, essays and do other projects to show your teachers that you understood the lessons and the information they provided, articles are the same way. You have to let your reader know you are an expert in your field. When you go to a car dealership a bank or even the supermarket you assume the people working there can give you information on what you need to know and that they understand the field they are in. Online, you don’t get to talk face to face to people to give them information they need so you write about it.
Article writing lets you prove that you are an expert in your field.

They also do something that ads and pitch pages don’t do, at least not off the bat…you’ll find out tomorrow what this is and why it’s so important.

Articles allow you to gain immediate respect. Unlike an ad when you know the company is out for your money, an article gives you information and we respect people who can give us insight, and knowledge about the things we want to know. It is much more difficult to establish trust online. Prospective customers are getting smarter and more cynical thus writing articles give you a chance to establish trust and boost a buyer’s faith. This increases the longevity of your business

If you take a look at commercials today, most of them sell information. They now tell you to ”visit the website for more information”, “ask your doctor for more information”, “call for a free brochure”. Why? Because they have caught on to peoples need to be further informed. They don’t say “buy this bed”, instead they tell you to go to their website and find out more. They know you are more likely to buy once you have gained more information. Articles should be a marketers best friend. You have the advantage of getting in front of thousands of people with your information and once you publish on the web it’s there forever . Three years from now someone will come across your article and regard you as an expert and want to do business with you.

Ads get peoples attention. Articles get peoples respect. I suggest using both to market but a good quality article will benefit you longer.


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Adelaide said...


My website focuses on using articles to promote your business or yourself. However, if you are looking for ways to make money online without using articles I highly recommend going here:

If you want to more information on generating an income from home as well advertising tips and things that the "gurus" don't want you to know then sign up for my newsletter.

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Anonymous said...

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