Sunday, October 08, 2006

Writing has been something I've enjoyed doing ever since I learned my abc's. Whether it's for personal reasons, a school assignment or for work, it is a very important form of communication. But as much as I enjoy writing, it terrifies me. Exposing yourself through writing is very intimidating because it is so personal. I'm always wondering whether my idea is good, how can I better orgainze my thoughts, is the formatting ok, is the message I'm trying to send being recieved and worst of all why is the competition doing so much better?

Face it, whether or not you like writing, knowing the right techniques can change your life.

  • Get better grades on your papers
  • Land your dream job/position
  • Start your own business doing what you love

Those are just a few ways in which writing well can fulfill your life.

I'm always on the prowl looking for tips and products to help me improve my skills so I can generate a profit from my passion.

Rather than letting it all out now I prefer to do a little strip tease ;)

I'll reveal more tips, products and services that will improve your writing later

For now always remember to write from the heart; stop when you're finished.

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