Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Should I sell my writing myself, or through someone else?

The main advantage of selling directly, of course, is that you get to keep more of the profit. The main disadvantage are that you are likely limited in publication format and that you are completely responsible for your marketing, promotion as well as administration and transaction handling. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Commercial e-publishers- one solution is to be published by a commercial e-publisher

Third party services- These are varied in nature from commercial e-publishers to pay-per-view to “display” services. Be wary of any third party that charges up front fees.

  • Does the site attract a lot of traffic?
  • Read the contract carefully. What rights are you giving away?
  • Can you sell your price elsewhere?
  • Can you remove it from the service anytime?
  • Also be aware that some editors may consider your work already published if it’s posted online.

Next week I detail the five types of publication available to authors


Anonymous said...

Dear Adelaide---

Thank you very much for your gracious and complimentary review of my eBook, "Easy Writing."

I particularly appreciated your practical and sensitive choice of quotes from the book--quotes which, I believe, can help anyone wanting to improve her writing.

If I may, I'd like to select a passage from your review and include it on my website as a testimonial. May I do that?

Thank you again for your very kind words.


George Kirazian
San Diego, CA

Adelaide said...

George, I am honored that you paid my little blog a visit.
Of course you may use a passage for your site.
Sorry for the late reply I have both sick and busy.
But thank you for your approval of my review. Your book is great, and I think it can help many people.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adelaide---

I, too, have to apologize for the (unbelieveably) late reply. Even though I thought you might have replied, I searched and found nothing, for months.

That is, until this afternoon---1:15 pm Pacific, June 23, 2008....

Thanks for granting me permission. Let's keep in touch....

P.S. Do you know Beethoven's lovely song "Adelaide"?



Adelaide said...

I haven't heard the song by Beethoven but thank you for bringing to my attention. I kind of have a name obsession and enjoy most things associated with my name. I know it's silly.

Anonymous said...
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