Internet marketing is more than throwing a few articles out. You have to be able to write a good sales copy too, that’s when the real profits come in. So how do you create a sexy sales copy? The kind that stops people in their tracks and has them looking at it up and down thinking “I want me some of that”…follow these tips.
1. Its all in the headline. Your headline sells your ad so put 80% of your time into creating a compelling headline. Below are some head tuners:
WARNING, Announcing,Who else wants, How to, 7 good reasons why
Make sure you integrate at least three of these magic words in all your ads. They can seduce just about anyone.
- You
- Save
- Health
- Love
- Results
- New
- Proven
- Money
- Easy
- Discovery
- Safety
- Guaranteed
You need to have a knockout offer.
You need to apply offers differently based on the type of business you operate.
1. A service business with a high value product (solicitor, accountant, real estate agent, consultant, copywriter) could offer a FREE REPORT of some sort.
A business which has products which customers keep buying over and over again (e.g. ice cream shop, grocer, restaurant, hairdresser etc) would approach things a little differently. A hairdresser may want to offer a free haircut to introduce you to their salon.
There’s nothing hotter than getting something for FREE
Lure them back in
People generally read sales copies in two ways
1.Word for word
2.Skim the text
Sometimes people are in a hurry so they just give your sales copy a quick look and then leave which is why you need to incorporate sub-heading into your sales copies. This is to insure that they find something to regain their interest and are lured back into the copy.
Suppose you had a headline like “The easiest way to make money online”
Your subheading could include
Grab profits in any city, anywhere, anytime!
Online success blueprint
Earn easy cash
Apply these simple techniques and you too can have a sexy sales copy that brings in a lot of profits.