Thursday, December 28, 2006

The profit side of writing

The big question that comes up with writers is “how do I make money”? In the next few days I’ll be covering some ways you can turn your words into cash.

#1. Ghostwriting- The ghostwriting market is huge. People in virtually every industry and from every background have a need for ghostwriters. As a ghost writer you can write anything from articles for business leaders to speeches for political candidates.
What you’ll need to do first is create a portfolio of your writing samples to show prospective clients. The ghostwriting service is inexpensive to start all you really need is a computer, printer and internet services

I suggest picking up Essential guide to ghostwriting. It gives scads of secrets on how to make it in this type of business. I would not recommend plunging into the ghost writing world without it.
Here are just a few of the things you will learn.

  • The one crucial skill that every successful ghostwriter must have (Page 5)
  • The 12 items on the 'wish list' for the well-equipped ghostwriter - some of them may surprise you! (Pages 6 - 8)
  • The SIX THINGS that all clients want - get these things in place and you will have clients queued up waiting! (Page 9)

Find out more information about the Essential guide to ghostwriting by clicking here.

#2 Write your own e-book-A negative drawback to being a ghostwriter is that you don’t get credit for your own work, this why many writers rave over e-books. You can write about practically anything and sell your book. E-books allow you to create an extremely high profit margin. There are no delivery cost and you can make money on autopilot 24 hours a day seven days a week.

How do you get started? Easy…pick up a copy of How to write and publish your own e-book…in as little as 7 days. Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale are experts and they will guide you through the process with ease. This book is a must have for anyone looking to create a passive income through writing.

You will discover

  • The "right" way to publish your ebook so virtually everyone connected to the Internet can buy it and read it. (page 48)
  • 3 *Proven* methods for turning out a highly profitable ebook in record time... even if you have no idea what to write about. (page 65)
  • A step-by-step explanation of how one author sold $15,561.49 worth of ebooks in less than a week. (page 108)
  • Plus so much more

Click Here To Learn More

#3- Online Writing: There are websites that allow you create content and still keep your name such as Triond. This is great way to establish yourself as a writer online. However, the numbers are small. The best way to make some real money with this is to write fast. 30min article is instrumental to your success with this business form. My suggestion is write an online novel. This way you don’t have to spend hours doing research or waiting for inspiration.

With the writing business the key to success is to write often. There really isn’t any other secret. You have to write more to make more.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Keep Your Articles Free of Fillers

Fillers are always a bad idea. If your fact or sentence does not support your topic sentence it shouldn’t be included in the paragraph, just as a paragraph belongs in an essay only if it supports your argument or purpose. Do not add phrases in your article just so you make your work longer. It is often better to say a lot with a few words than nothing with a lot of words.

Many of us become a word count slaves. We feel the need to add as much as possible in an article so we can draw in more readers or because we think it is interesting information. Adding excess information does not help to develop your paragraphs. Ask yourself if what you are writing adds to the document as a whole, if it doesn’t cut it out. You will most likely be able to tell if you have an unnecessary addition to your piece once you begin proof reading.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Proof reading tips

Proofread your document for spelling mistakes by reading it outloud backward from the last word to the first, looking only at how each word is spelled.

Never accept a computer's spellcheckers suggestions uncritically. It may not distinguish homonyms such as whose and who's or there and their nor will it recognize a missing word.

Read your draft outloud, reading slowly to correct any missing words, repeated words or other typographical mistakes

Friday, December 15, 2006

Proof reading made easy

The fastest way to proof read your work
Find out more by clicking here

I am a big advocate for knowing how to proof read your own work; however, it is time consuming and when your using articles to increase your income you need to save all the time you can.

I’m sure you have found yourself in a position where you have worked hard to produce a document that you wanted to share but you had no idea if it was correct. Perhaps you had an essay due that you finished the night before it was due and you don’t feel confident about handing it in because you are unsure of its correctness

I’ve been there and I can tell you the only thing worse than writer’s block is writing something brilliant that is loaded with mistakes.

What do you do when you find yourself in this predicament? Submit your work to an online editor. I’ve looked around for a really good online editor but a lot of them are expensive or unprofessional. After weeks of searching I found them: Scribendi!

Why choose Scribendi?

-Scriendi is fast- you can have your work edited in eight hours, some other places take days
-Scribendi is inexpensive- none of this “$100 for a page” B.S. that some places charge
- Scribendi offers many services- there are some good editing websites but some of them are strictly academic or business related. I don’t want to be bouncing around from one editor to another. With Scibendi I can submit articles I write for my business and essays for school, they even look over websites. It’s a one stop shop for all your proofreading needs.

You need to proof read your work and having an online proofreader will eliminate the stress of having to do it yourself. While your getting your work edited you can be working on your next piece.

Having a fresh pair of eyes look over your work can be very beneficial. It can turn a C paper into an A, be the difference between getting your book published and not getting it published or it can create a better response to your work thus boosting your sales.

Scribendi helps many people with their writing needs. Here are what some other people who have benefited from their services had to say.

Really pleased-It’s amazing how long you can stare at something and not be able to improve it! This is a great service which takes some of the sting out of agonizing over the query letter.”

My editor was really good at catching careless errors as well as making good suggestions in terms of phrasing

I recently won Honorable Mention for my short story, Narrow Paths, in the Writer’s Digest writing competition. I attribute my success to the help of scribendi.”

The world is not forgiving to writing mistakes. You need every word of your documents to be correct and every sentence to flow. Writing with mistakes gives people the impression that you are careless, unprofessional, and even uneducated. People who can properly communicate themselves through writing go farther in life.

Proofreading is the key to your writing success. The editors at Scribendi are experts and I can guarantee you will be impressed with the help they can give you. Yes, there are others but like I said many of them over charge and they do not provide you with as many services as Scribendi. You have put a lot of work into your writing now let someone else let it give you the best results it can give.

Visit Scibendi today to learn more

You never want to submit anything that hasn’t been checked; use Scribendi for all your proofreading and editing needs and you’ll see the difference your work can make.

Monday, December 11, 2006

What's with all the article hype?

You will probably come across a multitude of articles that will tell you that writing articles is one of the best ways to promote your business and get exposure and you know what…they’re right!

The internet is responsible for providing one of human’s greatest addictions…information.

When you were in school you had to write book reports, essays and do other projects to show your teachers that you understood the lessons and the information they provided, articles are the same way. You have to let your reader know you are an expert in your field. When you go to a car dealership a bank or even the supermarket you assume the people working there can give you information on what you need to know and that they understand the field they are in. Online, you don’t get to talk face to face to people to give them information they need so you write about it.
Article writing lets you prove that you are an expert in your field.

They also do something that ads and pitch pages don’t do, at least not off the bat…you’ll find out tomorrow what this is and why it’s so important.

Articles allow you to gain immediate respect. Unlike an ad when you know the company is out for your money, an article gives you information and we respect people who can give us insight, and knowledge about the things we want to know. It is much more difficult to establish trust online. Prospective customers are getting smarter and more cynical thus writing articles give you a chance to establish trust and boost a buyer’s faith. This increases the longevity of your business

If you take a look at commercials today, most of them sell information. They now tell you to ”visit the website for more information”, “ask your doctor for more information”, “call for a free brochure”. Why? Because they have caught on to peoples need to be further informed. They don’t say “buy this bed”, instead they tell you to go to their website and find out more. They know you are more likely to buy once you have gained more information. Articles should be a marketers best friend. You have the advantage of getting in front of thousands of people with your information and once you publish on the web it’s there forever . Three years from now someone will come across your article and regard you as an expert and want to do business with you.

Ads get peoples attention. Articles get peoples respect. I suggest using both to market but a good quality article will benefit you longer.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Procrastinator's Dream Come True: The 30 min Article System

Click here to learn more

Ask yourself how long it takes you to write your articles, 1 hour, 2 hours maybe even a few days. How would you like to finish your articles in 30min? I was skeptical at first but it is possible and anyone can do it.

This system is brought to you by Melanie Mendelson. What I love about it is it’s not just a book that you read and apply the techniques; it is an action based step by step system that will get an article out of you in 30 min or less.

30 min article writing system helps to

  • Churn out more articles in less time
  • Get your papers in on time
  • Eliminate the frustration you feel about writing articles
  • Get your articles published.

2 hours didn’t seem that long to me until I wrote my first article in 30 min then I thought "2 hours-what took me so long"! Time is money; this is a well known fact. If you’re starting a home business or if you already have one, writing articles is a great way to promote your business. Well, if you’re taking hours to complete those articles your losing money.

Do the math:
-Just 30 minutes per week = 1 article per week = 52 articles per year-2 hours per week = 4 articles per week = 208 articles per year

I don’t like math so let me explain it to you in non math terms:

More articles=more exposure=more money!

I know it sounds too good to be true but it really does work. Here’s what some other believers had to say

"Melanie, Your system is OUTRAGEOUS and UNFAIR.Unfair to all of us who struggled for years doing it the "hard way."But seriously Melanie, you've taken a very powerful concept and cleverly presented it so even a novice can produce profitable, quality articles in 30 minutes or less. Honestly, if I hadn't experienced it myself - I'd have never believed you.Following your system allowed me to produce nearly 3 times as much content as I did before...and when you get paid to produce this is a VERY GOOD (and profitable) THING!Nicely done!" James Burchill

"Now where was Melanie during my stint in Journalism school? I would have had every article in ahead of time instead of at the wire!Your tips on writing snappy "how to" articles are easy to understand and even easier to implement with the help of a great program tool. Thanks Melanie, you've just made my article writing goal for 2006 more simple!" Natasha Vincent

"Melanie,You’ve really done a wonderful thing here. I was freed from agonizing, torturous times that occurred every time I even THOUGHT about the fact that I needed to write an article for my blog.I got your program because I needed to write an article that weekend. It usually takes me several hours at least and I agonize over it for several hours before getting started.So I downloaded your material, saw that there was a guide and a program and ran the program first without reading the guide. 30 minutes later I had my first article produced with your system.I couldn’t believe it… I told my wife, my daughter and my son… My daughter’s in 10th grade and has to write lots of little article-like papers for school. My son loves to write anyway. My wife is responsible for the ‘Kingwood Garden Club’ newsletter. I could see how they could each benefit from understanding the process.If you decide to let others sell your system also, I’d certainly like to help.I have absolutely NOTHING NEGATIVE to say. I can only offer WOW! What a great product.Thanks again, Greg White

Click here to grab your copy now!

"The "30 Minute Article Writing System" is the answer to the writer's curse of perfectionism. No more putting it off until it sounds just right.Melanie's system guides you clearly and concisely through a simple ten-step process. The accompanying audio program prompts are invaluable. It's just the right amount of pressure to get the job done but not so much that you run screaming from your keyboard!I'm looking forward to pumping out some great articles with my newfound guide." Jenny Dunham

"Melanie, you have done a great job! I really like your new product.I opened the manual, read it and then started the audio program. Within 30 minutes I had written a brilliant article ready for submission to directories.Your concept is very helpful. I often have writers block but with your article program I won't anymore! You outline everything in detail so I will be using it for many times over again! Thanks for a great product." Chris Geldof

"The 30 Minutes Article System addresses the subject of "Article Writing" with such ease that it makes you think that "Article Writing" is for the dummies. It clearly illustrates how and where to start, how and where to end and how and what to do in-between.The system tickles the brain-cells in the right places, at the right time and in the right sequence and the by-product is a well written article which can drive your business to greater heights. The 30 minute article system comes as a whiff of fresh air and very different from the ebooks floating around which give you a lot of information but at the end of it are left where you started. Not so...with the 30 Minute Article Writing System. The system takes you by hand and shows how to create an article in record time - 30 minutes flat. Jayadeep Rath

Hi Melanie,This product is a necessity for someone like me who doesn't like to write articles. It gives you step by step information and tools to help you work faster.Now, my articles look professional, I get them done in less than 30 minutes, and I don't have to rack my brain over what to write next.This product is amazing and I will definitely use it over and over again.Good Success!" Vondre' T. Whaley

"As the Queen of Dawdle, this was great because it made me stay focused and do something in such a short period of time that I have never been able to do. To me, the hardest part is getting started and getting the ideas out of my head onto the screen.
It helped me get the same amount of stuff written in 30 minutes that would normally take me 2 or 3 hours. I think it's a great product and one I look forward to using again.
Thanks so much and best of luck!"
Cindy Evans

Writing efficiently is just as important as writing effectivley. Majority of people have to write on a deadline. If it’s taking you hours to finish your articles and essays you need this system and your business deserves it. You can make all the excuses I made. “2 hours isn’t that bad” “I work at my own pace” “I don’t need that kind of pressure” But I guarantee that you will be losing money and in the end you will be running to get this system. Save yourself the hassle and get 30 min article writing system now!

In addition to the guide and audio coaching program, Melanie is including bonus instructions, showing you how to get your articles published on as many websites as possible. This bonus is priceless!
Click here for more info

Here's to your success:
The 30min article system